I Will post my adventures through flash in this post as I move along in production of games and movies.
I created my first anthro character, he's a ninja fox, and I got his left hand looking almost exactly like a normal hand would grasping a sword/pole/staff, his eye makes him look like a good ninja.
the shading on his fingers seems slightly off but at the same time perfect. here's a link to his preview.
http://img19.picoodle.com/img/img 19/3/12/13/f_NinjaFoxprem_d8e1b56.png
created an animated walking sequence of my anthro-fox
http://www.zshare.net/flash/52755807bd 49cfda/
Also, I have planned to create a series of flash music videos in honor of a few of my favorite NG artists who don't get as much credit as they deserve.
the first 3 video's have been planned.
Part1- Here You Lay {=MMD=}
( http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /173447)
Part2- Reasoner- Ticking Away
( http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /171605)
Part3- Evil-Dog - Punk in Metropolis
( http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /191204) (MAYBE)
I finished creating the main-menu for "A day in dead frontier 2" It will not be long untill it is completed because the main menu was a major problem for me.
All there is to do now is to finish the main storyline animation and graphics.
Flash almost completed but behind schedule it may take untill january to finish all the leftover animation.
If asked I will release a beta version of part 2 but non unless I'm asked. and it will contain most of the movie.
A day in dead frontier 2 has been pushed back into february or march
Ran into a problem conserning a unlockable biography in ADIDF2 this may take some time to fix.
Here's how far everythings gotten so far.
A day in dead frontier 2 - 80% completed
As stated above still fixing an issue conserning an unlockable. the unlockable may be discarded in favor of production.
Music Video Series - Concept Stages (nearing production)
Getting all the songs together, talking to the authors when I can, and waiting on a friend of mine to get off groundation to begin action and character creation.
NR (private project) - 0.1% completed
Thats all I can say here
Tutorials (external site) - 100% (untill requested)
On ToonPimps forums.
Begain work on "Mouse Avoider Challange"
Expected features include: [Bosses][shooting enemies][Defense Turrets][Hard Puzzles][Tricky Paths][Traps][40 stages][4 bosses][4 checkpoints][a score system]
Wow really??? exactly a month??? creepy.
anyways I've begain working with blender for a 3d action scene in A day in dead frontier 2.
expected to be finished in a few months
Dropped the blender idea and moved on to more important things.
death sequences for Lordtac and RoadKill completed.
Timer for Mouse Avoider finished (for the most part) but caused a glitch in the death button (idk wtf went wrong)
I'M NOT DEAD!!! more importantly I finally finished "A day in dead frontier 2" or at least what I'm going to call finished.
I left a LARGE chunk of my "ToDo" list unfinished concerning ADDF2. After 3 years of hard work and stalling I just decided to make a few quick edits to tie up the loose ends and post what I had.
and here it is: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/
I hope you all like it
I canĀ“t see the link...
lordtac1 (Updated )
sorry I'll get it now
EDIT: it has been posted and the journal has been updated.