my review must have been deleted or something.
this game isn't so bad but it does have some drawbacks.
1.\ The games AI's are unbalanced one ai will always immediatly take out the others instead of colonizing the the territories
2.\ 2 units "The jeep gunner, and the bike gunner" fire in the wrong direction.
3.\ the turret upgrades menu does not display how much of each resource you need to upgrade. your stuck blindly clicking and seeing what you get.
4.\ The enemy turrets do not upgrade fast enough to keep pace with the game.
before I finished my turret had 400hp and did 4 dmg. I only required 3 tanks to beat him no matter where I fought him.
5.\ No matter which AI attacked they always used generally the same method. which was "Attack the wall never the turret"
6.\ regardless of the fact I owned all the territories except one I seemed to get little or no boost in my resources other then metal.
7.\ the cost of some units are unbalanced. why would I by a suicide biker (30 food) when I can buy a suicide jeep that has more hp (30 food)
8.\ I never seemed to run out of gold at any point in the game, despite always buying tanks I seemed to never fall short on gold. it was always food.
those are things I see as problems and I played the game and beat it yesterday.
all of these things should still be there currantly unless you updated it today.
thanks for your time and btw.
I didn't criticise you to be jerk every game has problems, you need to be aware of them.
its good for a beginner.