Very soothing
Really nice, the name fits this song very well, I can feel the emotion in this piece, its quite powerful.
It helps me think, and its good to listen to just to clear out the ambiance of the room.
Strangely it gives me something to think about when I have nothing on my mind imparticular. I guess you could say "It digs something up".
Well whatever the thought it gives me. Its always something to think about, I think I'd creep you out or make you think I was lieing if I told you what those thoughts were.
Sometimes I believe I think to much, but thinking is good, it gets you more in touch with what your really feeling, more in touch with... well... yourself.
So thanks for the 30 mins maybe hour or two of plesent/unplesent/random thoughts.
Yes I know I have to much time for thinking.
I listen to this for most of those 2 hours. It helps.
though this song gives me thoughts of death sometimes, they arn't unwelcome thoughts.
like some people I take a page from "Yoda's" book.
"Do not mourn for those that transform into the force but rejoice"
I am not saying to clap at a funeral. But don't feel bad if someone dies...
Well I think thats a long enough revue, hope your eyes arn't hurting from reading all this, cya hope you make more wonderful music.