Great work.
I agree with these views, newgrounds is an artistic community. litterally built on freedom of speech through flash and audio.
I strongly believe that if this site had no flash artists, or audio artists, that it would parish very quickly.
I have also experianced being wrongfully banned (about a million times) for commenting on some flashes on this site that a blatently stolen from other users and other sites.
No user should be banned for commenting on whether a flash or audio track is stolen as long as they have proof to support it.
And finally. Just because a track or flash does not belong to them, doesn't mean you should blatently yell that they stole it.
there are som rare cases where these artist posts these flashes using different accounts and/or with permission from the original artist.
I am of course siting any incidences conserning the artist (Toon-Pimp) A few people have been banned for posting his flash.
but Toon-Pimp allows them to post it. And he puts his signature in all of his games. so there is no wrong done by him or the user.
Also... Great job this was very informative, Persuasive, and intelligent. I thank you for this submission.