Awesome job, its nice to know AS3 is capable of "on the fly" rendering AND 3d enviroments.
Something like this would be great for a Flight simulator or "MAZE" game.
Awesome job, its nice to know AS3 is capable of "on the fly" rendering AND 3d enviroments.
Something like this would be great for a Flight simulator or "MAZE" game.
Not bad
Its a neat game but its really kinda weird, I think achieving harmony should be something along the lines of "All emotions above 10%" that leaves a little room for error.
other then that I thought it was really monotonous.
changing their emotions had no effect but to change the aura they emitted, I was at least expecting some kinda ai change, something like.
Angry people chase fearful or hopeful people.
Hopeful people group together and spread hope in groups.
Fearful people try to stay home and avoid leaving their beds.
Happy people go about their business and stop every now and then to breath in the fresh air and feel happy.
I think just a simple AI difference woulda been enough to satisfy everyone. but its much better then what I can do thus far, so good job.
I knew this looked familiar when I started playing it early today. None other then Evil-Dog as usual :P.
Keep pumping out the awesome games, I can see you owning or at least working in a major gaming company soon (if not now).
Graphics: Weak (2/10)
Gameplay: Weak, unoriginal (1/10)
Sound: Annoying (1/10)
Controls: No tutorial (3/10)
This is an exact copy of kongregates shooter tutorial with mouse controls instead of keyboard controls.
Please practice more and try to make something better.
Nice graphics...
Well The graphics were pretty, the guns fired nicely, and the wave mechanics were pretty good.
If I knew how long it took you to put this together (like a day or 2) I might be more forgiving with this review.
However, I assume you made this game with a much stronger computer then the rest of us resulting in fluid play with higher CPU usage.
I can only suggest putting in some graphics options, perhaps options like (remove bullet trails) or something else graphically intense that may be causing lag.
Made it to about wave 30 on low graphic setting (right click menu) before getting fed up with the lag.
Tip: Stay perfectly still for less lag, game seems to hate wasd movement.
Good job
Much better now if a bit short.
I suggest adding (idk) 5 more levels so you can get all the stuff at your leisure.
Your loading bar appears to be broken or the file is currupted, I've done all I can on my end to try and make the flash reload and make sure its not saved in my temp.
I would recommend checking your initial loading sequence to see what could be causing this strange issue.
I was getting the preloader to work properly by turning off the "Export on first frame" property on at least 9000 imported library items and putting them all in the 3rd frame so that they load after the preloader... no longer deeming it useless ;D
You played a version I temporarily uploaded that I had screwed up.
Not bad
This is a great learning experiment, theirs just a few things you need to clear up if you missed them.
1- Check your "Fall" hit box that sets the "Died" variable jumping off the left side results in an infinite fall.
2- spend more time on level design, you seem to have enemies completed and coins as well, just make your level longer.
3- when you fall into a pit and die, the vertical movement isn't reset to 0 when you respawn causing you to fall through the ground.
Hope this helps
some things really bug me about this game.
1- Why are we getting oxygen and fuel for answering questions? This makes no real sense.
2- Why are we starting from the sun? This also makes no sense.
3- Why don't we get a speed boost as we pass planets? most people don't recognize the gravitational boost but it would be a nice feature.
other then that its a decent game. unfortunately not much more then a quiz game.
Great concept flawless execution, I only wish the storyline was longer with more laws. (don't walk right, don't climb stairs, don't obey these laws)
Also try to beat my level :)
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I the lord am but a pawn of a greater lord.
Age 34, Male
urban warrior
savannah GA
Joined on 5/13/06