Redo it
I agree with 749-Pi.
its not very realistic, 2ndly if there are no symptoms (except maybe fever) no one would really be pushed to get checked out you think?
because stuff like that can be caused by lots of things. it would at least take a week maybe 2 before someone went to a doctor about it and thats only if the symptoms got worse.
and on another note.
it is vertually impossible to infect the hole world.
The main problems are the island countries.
its incredibly hard to infect places like cuba, madagascar, new zealand, and japan.
the first reason being most of them have very small ways into the country (Although they are right off the shore of rather large countries)
the 2nd reason being that they close their borders almost immediatly before anyone dies but given of course lots of people are infected.
3rd reason being they shut down their shipyards and airports to quickly.
it makes it impossible to take them out.
and you can't raise the inefectivity without raising the visibility which makes it that much harder to hit those very small countries.
at least on the 1st one it was possible to take out the entire world.
I also notice lots of things that were on the first one have been removed on this one.
1 instance is that in the first one the desease infected "animals" in general not just humans.
although its a small trait.
it would greatly increase infectivity rates over the mainland countries.
it was a nice try but theres to many small problems that destroy this game.
I'd really like to see it redone though.